Free-Flow into Free-Fall

You ask me to ‘go with the flow’then I say with a wink,‘yeah, I do, and the flow always leads me to you…’ That flow though… Free-flow, infinite and unfiltered writing where words naturally unfurl. Words that convey a sense of sensitivity and touch, through prose and poetry, written conversation and connection, sweet or silly … Continue reading Free-Flow into Free-Fall


" be part of that writing..." It was an unusually quiet day, and I mean unusually quiet in the sense of both inner peace and external silence. It was not a disconnect nor dissociation from reality, rather a reconnection to a passion and inspiration that echoed melodiously in the stillness. In the stillness, there is … Continue reading Intrinsic

Submerge, Merge, Emerge

(been a while since I’ve shared but recently been inspired to write again, not just from the head but from the heart… but like you say, “good things take time”, and as promised, “always write…”) For me… It had been six months of outbursts and release, sporadic moments of excitement and unanticipated bouts of silence, … Continue reading Submerge, Merge, Emerge

Booze Poem by MG

"I'm Beer for you..." "Oh, for fuck's saké!" "Hakuna ma vodka? Rumming you up wrong? Too... Winey?Photo...Ginic?" "Whiskey and whiskers? Burping after Bourbon?" "Taste of Tequila? Moves like Jäger? Kinky Kahlúa?" "Wait a Triple Sec! Ambushed by Amarula, armed with Amaretto, Absinthe's the absentee..." "On the contrary,your Cointreaucompared me to Compariand honestly,Grand Marnier,that's not really … Continue reading Booze Poem by MG

Seeing the Unseen

"Change" isn't what we see or unsee; "Change" is the difference in how we experience what we see in the unseen. ~Mikavelli~ Life just seems so different now Not triggered by sudden noises nor crowds Or perhaps because there just aren't as many around Or maybe the echoes just don't sound as loud Trains and … Continue reading Seeing the Unseen

Poem to You

Dear Darling, You asked me recently to opine on your 'issue' Though it's pretty obvious, given all the clues Seems you're scared to feel what's real to you Scared of projecting what you've been through All the while desiring adventure and something new Yearning to love freely breaking from your ideals and rules Still, guarding … Continue reading Poem to You

I’d Learned to Blend-in with Narcissists (poem)

(creative writing, fiction story) here’s a story so convoluted that took place in a place so populated with rats in a rat race densely concentrated here’s a story of the oppressed— the narcissists see, i’d wanted to comprehend narcissists but without experience, all i had was a hypothesis so i delved undercover(s) to experiment with … Continue reading I’d Learned to Blend-in with Narcissists (poem)

What’s It Like To Be Your Kid?

(creative writing, cultural observation, fiction story, for a friend) What’s it like to be your kid? To exist merely for academic bids Whose purpose is merely to grow up and work Earn status for the family and that’s his whole world? What’s it like to be your kid? To get A’s at school but still … Continue reading What’s It Like To Be Your Kid?